Tuesday 13 March 2012

Q&A: Why can the US gov't control sex, porn, toys, etc..?

Question by Heather C: Why can the US gov't manage sex, porn, toys, etc..?
What laws exist that allow them to do so and how do we as a nation take actions to eradicate them? Barring this, what nations don't try to control something and every little thing about your life? Or at least, what states are fairly lax about it?
What laws exist that enable them to do so and how do we as a nation take actions to eradicate them? Barring this, what nations do not try to manage anything and everything about your life? Or at least, what states are pretty lax about it?

To whoever asked what it was I wanted to do:
It is not what I want to do but the fact that people should be able to do what they want. Besides the way you state it it is like you are offended by sex and porn. If you are then why reply to a question from someone obviously open to such items?

I support sexual freedom and want the government out of my pants. I want the freedom to do what I want in my personal space as lengthy as I am not hurting any person else, animal, human, etc. Is that so bad?

Greatest answer:

Answer by Scott Y
Ask Tipper Gore...shes the 1 that put the labels on all the Music with foul langauge contained with in.

Add your personal answer in the comments!

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