Thursday 18 August 2011

Im in pain and need some answers !?

Question by Proud mama to a little girl<3: Im in pain and need to have some answers !?
I'm 37 weeks and four days pregnant with my initial. I woke up at 3am this morning feeling genuinely really hot. I turned on the fan and changed into shorts, and didnt use blankets and it was still hot. I felt actually sick to my stomach, even following taking tums. At about 5am i fell asleep but kept waking up every single 10 mins it seemed. I was also acquiring some contractions at the time but not standard. I am 80% effaced and -1 station as of 35 weeks and four days. The past week I have had frequent bm.I would also get randomly sick and hot for like 5 mins then it will go away. I would get that feeling everyday about 3 times a day. last night at about 11pm i felt a weird sharp stabbing pain in my appropriate side in the middle kinda on my tummy. I got that twice. Each and every one lasted about 2 mins and had been about 10 mins apart. Then when i got up to go to the bathroom I would get a shooting pain that would go from my back to my butt, and make me curl over and quit walking. This has happened over the past two days randomly. My lower back to my tail bone hurts. It feels really heavy in my crotch, along with some pressure. I lost my plug at 34 weeks and 6 days, and lost the rest last night. What could all this mean? Labor? Or acquiring ready to go into labor?

Greatest answer:

Answer by blueyzgrey
sounds likeyour body is in the very early stages of labor and preparing for true labor! great luck!

What do you feel? Answer below!

Orignal From: Im in pain and need some answers !?

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