Saturday 31 December 2011

any guesses when my bb will come??? here's what i've been experiencing in the past couple weeks...?

Question by memisspriss23: any guesses when my bb will come??? here's what i've been experiencing in the past couple weeks...?
bb dropped nearly 3 weeks ago
lost mucus plug small more than two weeks ago
i've had diarrhea for 4 days now
nauseas, like mornning sickness for more than two weeks now
truly hard time falling asleep and staying for the past three nights
low back pain twice, when a couple days ago and as soon as final week.... it lasted for hours and tylenol didn't assist, it really is dull and constent
on 8/3 exam - 1cm, beginning to thin
yesterday, i started getting bursts of power that i haven't felt since ahead of i was pregnant! i went on a cleaning spree all more than the residence!
been swollen for 3 weeks largely ankles and face but some days my hands swell (my blood pressure is standard)
elevated pressure in my cervix and my butt! extremely sharp pains
braxton hicks all day, but not normal or painful, about 2 an hour, just uncomfortable... extremely challenging and tight
i've been measuring larger than my uterus is supposed to at my dr's appointments
at week 30 my dr. measured my uterus at 34 cm's
i'm 33 weeks measuring 36cm
any guesses??

Best answer:

Answer by 1 Hot Photographer
I feel you really should ask the doctor if everything is OK simply because it does not sound standard. Perhaps you will require to have a C-Section. Excellent luck I hope you have a very healthy baby.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: any guesses when my bb will come??? here's what i've been experiencing in the past couple weeks...?

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